Ngày xuất bản: 30-03-2023Số tạp chí: Số 1-2023
Do Tien Thinh
earthquake resistance design TCVN 9386 spectrum curve seismic importance classes.
Design standard for earthquake resistance TCVN 9386:2012, first issued and enforced in 2006 with code TCXDVN 375:2006, was reviewed and will soon be replaced by the new TCVN 9386:2023. This paper presents some notable revisions of the draft standard TCVN 9386:2023 compared to the previous one.
[1] BS EN 1998-1:2004, Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, CEN, 2004.[2] BS EN 1998-5:2004, Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 5: Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects, CEN, 2004.[3] BS EN 1998-1:2004+A1:2013, Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, CEN, 2013.[4] TCXDVN 375:2006, Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Ministry of Construction, 2006.[5] TCVN 2737:2023, Loads and actions, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2023.[6] TCVN 2737:1995, Loads and actions, Ministry of Science and Technology, 1995.[7] Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings to Eurocode 8, CRC Press, 2015.[8] TCVN 9386:2012, Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2012.[9] QCVN 02:2009/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Natural Physical & Climatic Data for Construction, Ministry of Construction, 2009.[10] QCVN 02:2022/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Natural Physical & Climatic Data for Construction, Ministry of Construction, 2022.[11] TCVN 9386:2023, Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Draft Version, Vietnam Institute for Building Science and Technology, 2022.[12] General Report of Vietnam's Territorial seismic Zoning Map, Institurte of Geophysics, 2019.[13] QCVN 03:2022, National technical regulation on classificasions of buildings and structures for design, Ministry of Construction, 2022.[14] QCVN 03:2012, National technical regulation on classificasions of buildings and structures for design, Ministry of Construction, 2012.[15] NA to BS EN 1998-1:2004, UK National Annex to Eurocode 8, 2008.[16] Research project TĐ 01-17, "Research to complete the database of natural impacts of Vietnam for construction", Vietnam Institute for Building Science and Technology, 2020.
Vu Thanh Trung
Vu Dinh Huong, Ta Duc Tuan
Vu Van Tuan
Tran Huy Tan, Tran Duc Hieu, Bui Dang Luong
Nguyen Thanh Sang, Nguyen Tuong Lai, Pham Duc Tiep
Nguyen Manh Cuong, Vu Thanh Trung