Ngày xuất bản: 30-03-2023
Số tạp chí: Số 1-2023

Do Tien Thinh

Từ khóa:

TCVN 9386
spectrum curve
seismic importance classes.

Tóm tắt:

Design standard for earthquake resistance TCVN 9386:2012, first issued and enforced in 2006 with code TCXDVN 375:2006, was reviewed and will soon be replaced by the new TCVN 9386:2023. This paper presents some notable revisions of the draft standard TCVN 9386:2023 compared to the previous one.

Nội dung:

Tài liệu tham khảo:

[1] BS EN 1998-1:2004, Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, CEN, 2004.
[2] BS EN 1998-5:2004, Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 5: Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects, CEN, 2004.
[3] BS EN 1998-1:2004+A1:2013, Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, CEN, 2013.
[4] TCXDVN 375:2006, Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Ministry of Construction, 2006.
[5] TCVN 2737:2023, Loads and actions, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2023.
[6] TCVN 2737:1995, Loads and actions, Ministry of Science and Technology, 1995.
[7] Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings to Eurocode 8, CRC Press, 2015.
[8] TCVN 9386:2012, Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2012.
[9] QCVN 02:2009/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Natural Physical & Climatic Data for Construction, Ministry of Construction, 2009.
[10] QCVN 02:2022/BXD, National Technical Regulation on Natural Physical & Climatic Data for Construction, Ministry of Construction, 2022.
[11] TCVN 9386:2023, Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Draft Version, Vietnam Institute for Building Science and Technology, 2022.
[12] General Report of Vietnam's Territorial seismic Zoning Map, Institurte of Geophysics, 2019.
[13] QCVN 03:2022, National technical regulation on classificasions of buildings and structures for design, Ministry of Construction, 2022.
[14] QCVN 03:2012, National technical regulation on classificasions of buildings and structures for design, Ministry of Construction, 2012.
[15] NA to BS EN 1998-1:2004, UK National Annex to Eurocode 8, 2008.
[16] Research project TĐ 01-17, "Research to complete the database of natural impacts of Vietnam for construction", Vietnam Institute for Building Science and Technology, 2020.

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